
更新时间2022/4/141062 浏览综合
去除了首领,山谷全部靠长老管理。长老的权力和以前完全一样,但是不再像以前一样按声望值高低自动分配,而是靠投票选出或废除,并且数量不限制(只有1个长老 或者全部人都是长老 都可以)。
与此同时,新增了一种 唯一的(划掉)特殊职位“Founder/创立者、创始人)”,他的权力和长老几乎完全一样,只有一点不同:创始人无法被降职或者踢出山谷,但创始人可以自行退出山谷。(补充:创始人数量也没有限制,山谷里10个人全是创始人都可以)
Valley management caused a lot of heated feedback when we first launched the beta. For example, players got kicked out of Valleys for weird reasons that didn’t jibe with the spirit of the game. We took this to heart and started to think about how Valleys should be managed.
With this update, there are no more Leaders. All Valleys are managed by Elders, with big Valley decisions being made through a voting process involving all Valley mates, even your mom. The Elders work a lot like they do today. But instead of automatically promoting the players ranked by reputation, players will now need to vote on the Elders in the Valley. You can have only one Elder if you want, or everybody can be an Elder. How you want to organize your Valley is completely up to you.
There is, however, a special role called the Founder, which functions exactly like an Elder, except that they're immune to demotion and kicking. Starting a new Valley automatically makes you a Founder. Established Valleys can vote to promote old members to Founder status. Once they've contributed enough, Founders can always leave Valleys they’ve created. They can’t be kicked out or demoted. It’s kind of their superpower.
If things aren’t working with the Valley Manager, you can try to play nice. Or if all else fails, we've improved the process that lets players go their separate ways. To kick a player out of your Valley, you now have to go through a voting process. An Elder can suggest to part ways with the player, but there will always be a 24-hour hour voting period, to give the player time to collect their resources and leave. It also gives them a fair amount of time to explain themselves if there’s been a misunderstanding.
This new Valley management system is also a better foundation for further changes and tweaks, so we’re looking forward to your experiences and feedback.