史上最酷爽的足球经理体验——高清 3D 画面、现代又不失便利的用户界面以及各种战术纷呈的精彩比赛我们保留了旧版本的所有精髓:建造自己的足球之城、在转会市场购买球员、训练球员以及提高球队等级。然而,我们并没有忘记引入新功能:收集合同、聘用稀有球员、获得最富有的赞助商并带领球队晋级最高联赛。我们在 11x11 的新赛季等你前来!
[Introduction]Football Master 2 is an authentic and groundbreaking Football Management Game. Build your own team from scratch, train your players to become superstars and play against other Managers ....
From the makers of Rocket League, car soccer has been reimagined for mobile devices! Get in the game with the intuitive touch controls. It's as simple as putting the ball in your opponent's ne...
The multiplayer football game loved in more than 150 countries!Make your own dream team with players you like and have heated matches with players around the world!■ Special Skills that really give...
在手持终端上畅玩更新、更好、更快的 FIFA游戏! FIFA 16 Ultimate Team 让您以前所未有的方式庆祝每次精彩的进攻、每次扣人心弦的进球和每次激动人心的胜利,并享受媲美游戏主机的画面质量。 在 Google Play 上下载体验高度逼真的足球游戏。** 这是一款超高质量且细腻无比的游戏。 请确保您的设备中有至少1.4 GB 的空间。 在以下设备上可获得最佳的 FIFA 16 .....