逗斗一下,交个朋友!《逗斗火柴人》是一款火柴人大乱斗魔性手游,网易水星工作室&瑞典Landfall联合开发,Steam爆款游戏 《Stick Fight: The Game》正版IP授权,首发即登陆全球应用推荐榜、下载热门榜,全球范围拥有海量粉丝!你将使用经典火柴人角色进行3分钟一局的360度刺激对战,尽享乱斗乐趣!一百多张奇葩地图和从未见过的脑洞武器爆笑停不下来,更能由你自主进行地图创作...
Anger of Stick 4 : RebootThe hit that more than 30 million users played, 'AngerOfStick''s latest sequal.Survive in the city which turned into ruins!*Collect various heroes!- Please colle.....
*New map.*Reworked battle system.*More weapons, more cars, more secrets.*New AI system.*Reworked skills tree.New adventures of stickman ropehero in the dangerous city. More evil clones. More diff...