What the press said:“Limbo is as close to perfect at what it does as a game can get.”10/10 – Destructoid“The game is a masterpiece.”5/5 – GiantBomb“Limbo is genius. Freaky, weird genius. ...
玩家在游戏中扮演已经退休的前动画师Henry,受其过去搭档Joey Drew的邀请回到了早已废弃的动画工作室中;而在那里,那些在30年前由你创作的卡通角色们已经被赋予了生命,而且此时正准备着向你复仇......游戏中的玩家将在Bendy,Boris the Wolf和Alice Angel等经典代表角色的帮助下,度过一次又一次的难关,游戏核心玩法是一款跑酷游戏,击败你的敌人和强大的BOSS,收.....
PaperFlower is a beautiful puzzle game about integration. The goal of a level is to integrate all flowers into one within max steps displayed in the top-right area of screen. Sounds challlenging, righ...