A visual novel about gay asian girls playing baseball and falling in love.Features:harold they're lesbians*3-4 hours longmemesThe game is free, but you can support me by buying the bonu...
《Time To Star II: 偶像之路》是一款女性向单机明星养成恋爱手游,是国内独立游戏团队ALFAGAME中文原创游戏组研发的首款移动端作品,ALFA游戏组曾推出《美少年梦工厂III重生》等多部中文原创自制PC游戏,其流畅的游戏体验、丰富多彩的游戏玩法倍受好评。《TTS2:偶像之路》于2015年末上架AppStore,上架后迅速冲上国服付费榜26名,此外港澳台区亦先后登顶付费榜,月前AL....
◆Notification for content price changeThis is an announcement for download content price change for “Amnesia: Memories”.From December 1st 2017, all added content prices will be updated to USD2.99T...