DRAGON BALL LEGENDS is the ultimate DRAGON BALL experience on your mobile device! This DB anime action RPG game features epic 3D visuals and animations to help tell the original story based off the br...
The cutest head-to-head (literally) 2-player game on mobile device."When was the last time you played a 2-player game and had a blast together?"Challenge your friends, grab each end of your d....
以英雄联盟宇宙为背景,在《Legends of Runeterra》策略卡牌游戏中,你需要技巧一流,天马行空,脑力全开才可以克敌制霸。召集你的英雄布局,组合不同区域的卡牌,利用其独有的战斗风格和战略优势,打造遇神杀神,佛挡杀佛的完美牌组。传奇英雄:从英雄联盟出身的经典角色,以及来自符文大地世界的全新角色,皆以栩栩如生如生的精致细节,携手与你跃上战场。技巧至上:爱你替代的同时也要冒点...