DEAD AHEAD: ZOMBIE WARFARE在《Dead Ahead》的这款全新战术生存续集里对抗不死生物!在年度最有趣的生存游戏里打败不死生物的入侵!杀死一波又一波僵尸,收集补给品,寻找生存者,更重要的是…打造你自己的传奇!僵尸入侵保卫你的大巴,不要让饥饿的尸群吞吃活人!一路冲过障碍,建立战斗营地供你所用。召集你的勇士队伍,派他们去作战,不择一切手段打退渴望吃肉的像素尸...
An unofficial Android port of Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead (0.C Experimental).Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead is a roguelike set in a post-apocalyptic world. Surviving is difficult: you have been thrown, i.....
In time a zombie apocalypse the streets is not a safe place.<br>In order to survive you need to create shelter.<br>So, you were sent for trimming next building from crowds of zombies.<b...