The new game "RISE" developed by NXN has released a promo video today!RISE" is a story-centric MMORPG that is currently in development for multiple platforms including PC and mobile.
外星人统治了地球,以新秩序向臣服的人允诺美好的未来,同时间又不停地打压异己。在世界各地,XCOM 那原来四散的力量又再聚集起来,组成一个环球反抗军势力,誓要拯救人类并重夺这个星球。《XCOM 2 Collection》让你在手机或平板上推倒外星政权,游戏将包含《XCOM 2: War of the Chosen》以及 4 个 DLC 内容包,可一次取得而没有任何需额外付费的 App 内购买项目.....
FINAL FANTASY VII THE FIRST SOLDIERFight to join the ranks of Shinra's elite SOLDIER unit in this high-octane battle royale shooter, infused with RPG elements from the FINAL FANTASY series.Choose ...