《偶像梦幻祭!!~Music~(体验版)》为《偶像梦幻祭!!~Music~》的先行试玩版。※如游戏内的标题所示,仅提供「ONLY YOUR STARS!」一曲的音乐节奏游戏部分可进行游玩本作是由日本 Happy Elements 预计于2019年内推出的音乐节奏游戏,本作将在原作基础上推出内容大型更新以及全新音乐节奏玩法。在游戏中可将3D 角色的演唱会场景做为背景进行游玩,玩家可更换歌...
It is an application for practicing sound gate / rhythm game.By the play the video, you can be pseudo play on it.That there is in this app◯ transfer camera roll, from iTunes, play the video on You...
Challenge yourself with Twisty Road: Enjoy the catchy music and challenges designed for each road. We will follow the flow movement with high-quality songs and simple gameplay for everyone.It is hard....