欢迎来到《吃货大街》,一个会令你爱不释手的崭新餐厅经营游戏!快来打造你的梦想餐厅!在这个炫彩 3D 世界中,许多可爱游戏人物正等着你!收集各式各样新鲜食材,烹煮世界各地的美味佳肴,体会无穷的料理乐趣。造访朋友、交易物品,并加入吃货俱乐部与好友们同乐。装潢布置出专属于你的个性风格,打造出下一间世界知名的餐厅!---------------------------游戏特色-------...
It is safe to say that you are an fan of cooking games and time the board games?Presenting a fun cooking game for all admirers of flavorful sustenance games and preparing games. This new cooking ga...
Harness the power of the mystical sun tortilla to build your taco empire!Build and manage tasty taco restaurants and upgrade their production and operating hours.With the guidance of Barbacoatl, a...